Top CoolSculpting Treatment Specialist in Newington NH
If you are in search of a top fat reduction treatment that provides non-invasive techniques with no downtime, no recovery and is virtually painless, then you may be a candidate for our CoolSculpting treatment! Contact us today at Seacoast Rejuvenation Center or schedule an appointment online! We are conveniently located at 101 Shattuck Way Suite #1 Newington, NH 03801.
Table of Contents:
What does CoolSculpting do?
How many areas can you perform CoolSculpting at once?
How effective is coolsculpting?
Do you offer coolsculpting at Seacoast Rejuvenation Center?
CoolSculpting is a well-known brand that uses fat freezing technology known as cryolipolysis. CoolSculpting uses freezing temperatures to help break down stubborn fat cells. The freezing temperatures do not damage anything other than the fat cells, meaning no damage to the skin or underlying tissue.
During this CoolSculpting procedure, one of our healthcare professionals will use the vacuum device on the skin above the fatty area of tissue in which you want targeted into the applicator that will begin to cool the fat cells. The area will become numb, and many often feel a cooling sensation occur.
Depending on the area(s) you are targeting, the treatment can take anywhere from 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. The fantastic thing about CoolSculpting is the fact there is no downtime or recovery needed, due to the fat freezing technology never damaging the skin or tissues.
The number of areas you can perform CoolSculpting on at once will depend on the number of machines the medical spa clinic has on hand.
However, if they have more than one machine available for CoolSculpting, you can have multiple areas including the following being performed on at once:
• Arms and Legs
Fat is known to linger on the arms and legs even with significant weight loss reduction. This can often result in sagging. CoolSculpting can target the fat deposits in the arms and legs to restore a more toned, slim and smooth appearance.
• Hips and Buttocks
Besides the stomach, fat is most likely to accumulate on the hips and buttocks. This often results in the love handles being virtually impossible to reduce with just diet and exercise alone. With a CoolSculpting treatment plan in place, you can say bye bye to the stubborn areas of fat and enjoy sleeker, smoother, toned appearance.
• Chin and Neck
Fat can sit and hang around under the chin, creating that double chin look. We use CoolSculpting as a way to say goodbye to those stubborn fat deposits that are lingering under the chin and on the neck and take in a much smoother, tighter jawline.
• Underarms, Chest and Back
Often small pockets of fat can create rolls under the arms, around the breasts, and even on the back. These areas can often affect your self-esteem and be difficult to target with just exercise alone. CoolSculpting provides a way for these fat deposits to be effectively removed and smooth out the skin.
CoolSculpting has amazing benefits over other fat-reduction procedures. Freezing fat cells with CoolSculpting will make sure to ban those fat tissues and eliminate them from the body for good. No incisions or other areas marked up, making this non-invasive procedure a go to treatment for many. The results proven on any area of the body can show a reduction in fat from around 20-25% or more depending on if the client also uses exercise, healthy eating habits, and intake of water to help rid the dead fat cells faster from the body, and speed up the results.
Seacoast Rejuvenation Center provides CoolSculpting to our patients looking to trim fat from stubborn areas including:
• Chin
• Neck
• Arms
• Legs
• Hips
• Buttocks
• Stomach
• Underarms
• Chest
• Back
Our expert non-invasive healthcare professionals provide the utmost care during your CoolSculpting service. Book your CoolSculpting treatment with us by calling or simply booking an appointment online through our app. We are available by appointment only for our CoolSculpting treatments Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, as well as Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We look forward to hearing from you! We serve clients from Newington NH, Portsmouth NH, Durham NH, Newmarket NH, Stratham NH, Dover NH, and Rye NH.
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Medical Skin Services
▸ Men’s Spa Rejuvenation
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▸ Body Services
▸ Spa Services
▸ Sexual Medicine
▸ Mint PDO Thread
▸ Microneedling RF
▸ Opus Plasma
▸ Sculptra Injections
▸ Acne Treatment
▸ Aqua Gold
▸ Botox & Dysport Injections
▸ Chemical Peels
▸ CoolSculpting
▸ Cryotherapy Treatment
▸ Dermal Filler Injections
▸ Facial
▸ Opus Plasma
▸ Microdermabrasion Treatment
▸ Rejuvapen Microneedling
▸ PDO Thread
▸ The O-Shot
▸ The P-Shot
Additional Services You May Need
▸ Medical Skin Services
▸ Men’s Spa Rejuvenation
▸ Laser Services
▸ Body Services
▸ Spa Services
▸ Sexual Medicine
▸ Mint PDO Thread
▸ Microneedling RF
▸ Opus Plasma
▸ Sculptra Injections
▸ Acne Treatment
▸ Aqua Gold
▸ Botox & Dysport Injections
▸ Chemical Peels
▸ CoolSculpting
▸ Cryotherapy Treatment
▸ Dermal Filler Injections
▸ Facial
▸ Opus Plasma
▸ Microdermabrasion Treatment
▸ Rejuvapen Microneedling
▸ PDO Thread
▸ The O-Shot
▸ The P-Shot