Sculptra Post Care Instructions by Seacoast Rejuvenation Center in Newington, NH
Seacoast Rejuvenation Center gathers post-care instructions for Sculptra for clients’ convenience. Contact us today for more information or book a consultation. Our med spa is conveniently located at 101 Shattuck Way Suite #1 Newington, NH 03801.

You have just completed a treatment using a collagen-stimulating product called Sculptra. You are advised to follow the instructions below to ensure the best result from your treatment. Please note that Sculptra is a powder that must be reconstituted and suspended in sterile water before injecting it into the skin. Therefore it is important to remember that immediately after your treatment; you will feel full in the areas treated which is a direct effect of the water injected into those areas. This fullness will completely disappear over several hours once the treatment is completed and the areas treated will then look the same as they did before having the treatment. Collagen stimulation will naturally start to occur approximately 8-12 weeks after the treatment and will reach a peak within the first 6 months. Please do not equate the lack of immediate results with a treatment failure – the results are delayed and will be slowly increasing over time.
• During the first 24–48 hours after treatment you may experience redness, swelling, and tenderness in the treated areas. These reactions are normal and resolve quickly and spontaneously over the next 2-4 days. You may apply light water-based or mineral makeup where necessary.
• Bruising at the site of injection is also possible and clears completely in 1-10 days. Please see your aftercare pack instructions for advice and therapies to help with any bruising.
• Swelling and bruising can give the appearance of ‘unevenness’ in the area treated. This will settle once the swelling and bruising have gone.
• Avoid alcohol, caffeine, hot drinks, and spicy food for 24 hours, as these may exacerbate bruising and swelling.
• Avoid medications such as aspirin or nurofen for 1-2 weeks as they are blood thinning agents and they may exacerbate bruising (if these medications have been advised by your GP please check with your GP before stopping them).
• Avoid supplements such as multivitamins, fish oils, glucosamine, and Vitamin B or Vitamin E for 1-2 weeks, as they are blood thinning agents and may exacerbate bruising (if these supplements have been advised by your GP please check with your GP before stopping them).
• Avoid exercise or excessive exertion for 24 hours.
• Avoid excess sun exposure, solarium or sauna use for 24 hours.
• Avoid using any creams, lotions, or gels that contain active ingredients such as Glycolic Acid, Vitamin A or C, Salicylic Acid, etc, and avoid using soaps and perfumes on the area for 24 hours.
• Drink plenty of water for 2-3 days after the procedure as this will help promote the collagen-stimulating effects of the treatment.
• Apply cold compresses as required to the area injected for up to 6 hours after the treatment. This will prevent or help to alleviate any bruising. It will also help to reduce any swelling. Do not apply ice as this will suppress the effect of the collagen stimulators. If there is no excessive swelling or bruising in the area treated avoid applying cold compresses but drink only COLD drinks for 24 hours.
• You can use Arnica (or Hirudoid) cream and/or arnica pustules to help alleviate any bruising.
NOTE: bruising can last 1-10 days. They are TEMPORARY and will completely disappear over time with no effect on your treatment. Once bruising has formed (within the first 48 hours) it is better to apply warmth to the area to encourage the body’s natural reabsorption of the bruise away from the skin.
• If you have suffered in the past with cold sores on the skin or lips, please advise your cosmetic practitioner before treatment, as this viral infection may be reactivated by some injectable treatments. You can take L-lysine daily (available from the chemist or health store) for 2-3 days before and after treatment if necessary. If cold sores develop, you may also wish to take a more effective medical treatment such as Famvir (3 tablets taken all together in one single dose with food on the day of the treatment) or Valtrex (1 tablet taken twice daily). Please contact your GP or the clinic for a prescription.
• Firmly massage the entire area 5 times daily for 5 minutes for 5 days with your fingers and a greasy moisturizer or Arnica cream. Small rice grain-sized collections of collagen can occasionally be felt after 3- 6 months as the collagen-stimulating effect of this treatment reaches a peak. Very rarely larger collections of collagen can be felt but not seen and these will generally be reabsorbed and reduced over a 3-4 month period.
• If you suffer any allergic responses, prolonged generalized symptoms, or if any lumps/unevenness persists after 5-7 days, please contact your practitioner.
In some treatments, there is a small risk that the injectable will press on small blood vessels causing a reduced circulation of blood to the skin. This can lead to tissue damage and possibly scarring. If you experience prolonged pain in the area injected and/or a change in skin color (paleness, white or dusky grey discoloration as opposed to the purplish/red color of a bruise) within 24 hours after your treatment, please contact your cosmetic practitioner immediately for advice.
You must read all of the information available. Please call Seacoast Rejuvenation Center at 603-430-6220 if you have any questions or if you do not understand any of the aftercare instructions provided. We serve clients from Newington NH, Portsmouth NH, Durham NH, Newmarket NH, Stratham NH, Dover NH, and Rye NH.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Medical Skin Services
▸ Men’s Spa Rejuvenation
▸ Laser Services
▸ Body Services
▸ Spa Services
▸ Sexual Medicine
▸ Mint PDO Thread
▸ Microneedling RF
▸ Opus Plasma
▸ Sculptra Injections
▸ Acne Treatment
▸ Aqua Gold
▸ Botox & Dysport Injections
▸ Chemical Peels
▸ Cryotherapy Treatment
▸ Dermal Filler Injections
▸ Facial
▸ Opus Plasma
▸ Microdermabrasion Treatment
▸ Rejuvapen Microneedling
▸ PDO Thread
▸ The O-Shot
▸ The P-Shot
▸ Glo2 Facial
▸ Brow Lamination
▸ AcuPulse CO2 Laser skin resurfacing
▸ IPL Photofacial

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Medical Skin Services
▸ Men’s Spa Rejuvenation
▸ Laser Services
▸ Body Services
▸ Spa Services
▸ Sexual Medicine
▸ Mint PDO Thread
▸ Microneedling RF
▸ Opus Plasma
▸ Sculptra Injections
▸ Acne Treatment
▸ Aqua Gold
▸ Botox & Dysport Injections
▸ Chemical Peels
▸ Cryotherapy Treatment
▸ Dermal Filler Injections
▸ Facial
▸ Opus Plasma
▸ Microdermabrasion Treatment
▸ Rejuvapen Microneedling
▸ PDO Thread
▸ The O-Shot
▸ The P-Shot
▸ Glo2 Facial
▸ Brow Lamination
▸ AcuPulse CO2 Laser skin resurfacing
▸ IPL Photofacial